feminismus.czČlánky › Chcete se podílet na výzkumu v oblasti rovných příležitostí?

Chcete se podílet na výzkumu v oblasti rovných příležitostí?

9. květen 2007  | Dr. Elaine Weiner
Americká socioložka z McGill University v Kanadě, která se zaměřuje na problematiku implementace a prosazování legislativy rovných příležitostí v ČR bude během léta v ČR pracovat na svém výzkumu. Při této příležitosti shání brigádníky/ce.

Looking for Summer Employment? Fluent in English?

Seeking university - undergraduate or graduate - student (ideally pursuing either gender studies or sociology training) to assist a sociology professor (from McGill University in Montreal, Canada) on a study of the implementation and enforcement of equal opportunity legislation in the Czech Republic. Project entails interviewing and observing in various sites (e.g., labor offices, Office of the Public Defender for Human Rights). Research will be conducted in two locales - Prague and Most.

Position: RESEARCH ASSISTANT (from late May through July 2007) Must be available throughout this time period and willing to spend 2-3 weeks (in July) in Most. All travel, accommodation and food expenses during this research stay in Most will be covered.

Hours: 25+/week Wages: 200 Kc/hour (for interview and translation assistance) 110 Kc/hour (for interview transcription and background research)

Responsibilities: translation of documents from English to Czech (e.g., e-mails, interview guides, consent forms) scheduling of interviews and observation sessions assistance (to professor) during interviews background research on internet and libraries regarding equal opportunity legislation, court cases, etc... transcription of interviews, etc...

Requires an assertive and good-natured individual who is hard-working, flexible and eager to learn. Must be willing to to perform more mundane clerical tasks as well as very challenging research.

Contact: Dr. Elaine Weiner elaine.weiner@mcgill.ca

If interested, please send a curriculum vitae.

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