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International search for 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005

5. leden 2004  | Rebecca Vermot
1000 women who are engaged in the struggle against violence, war and injustice and who are, each in her own sphere of activity, worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, shall receive this prize collectively in the year 2005.
1000 women who are engaged in the struggle against violence, war and
injustice and who are, each in her own sphere of activity, worthy of the
Nobel Peace Prize, shall receive this prize collectively in the year 2005.
Their work in the cause of peace and human security shall be made visible
and their biographies and effective strategies academically documented.
- Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold
President of the Association for 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005,
Bern, Switzerland

In 2003, an exciting initiative to obtain the Nobel Peace Prize for 1000
women in 2005, was launched by a group of Swiss women led by Ruth-Gaby
Vermot-Mangold, a member of the Swiss Parliament and the Council of Europe.
1000 women all over the world working for peace in their countries,
communities, neighborhoods will be found and nominated for the Nobel Peace
Prize. Why a thousand women? Because finding and documenting the work of a
million would be too much work in so little time.

The idea is to call the world's attention to the vital but largely
unheralded role of women in peace making and peace building. In the 102
years of the Nobel Peace Prize, no more than eleven women have been
acknowledged by the committee for their peace work. Having a thousand women
recognized at one time will more than even up the score.

The Swiss women who led the initiative have formed an international network
of coordinators to find the 1000 women, organized an academic team to
research on the women's strategies for peace building, formed an Association
to ensure accountability and responsibility for the project, and secured
initial funding to get the project going. They have also stated their
intentions at a constructive and fruitful meeting with the Nobel Committee
in Oslo.

At this stage, toward the end of 2003, the association and the international
coordinators have determined the criteria for nominees and are putting
together the nomination form for dissemination.

In this regard, the project needs the support of the community, in the
following ways:

· If you represent a women's, feminist of conflict transformation network,
we invite you to contact us directly at psicam@cyberdyaryo.com or
peace@codewan.com.ph for more information and/or for nomination forms.

· We need help in documenting -- in print, photo and film -- the lives and
work of the women who are nominated as well as access to the media.

· We also need help in raising funds for some of the expenses the project
will incur, especially the documentation phase.

This campaign is important for a number of reasons. It will focus on the
roles women play - the strategies the utilize and the obstacles they face --
in transforming conflicts. It will celebrate the courage, creativity and
power of women from all walks of life in promoting justice, equity and peace
as a response to poverty, inequity, militarization and armed conflict. And
perhaps most importantly, the recognition will bring women's peace work from
the informal into the formal sphere and strengthen their influence on the
official actors.

We are looking for peace women from all countries and all levels of society.
Women farmers, judges, religious leaders, teachers, artists, poets,
novelists, journalists, politicians as well as political activists will be
among the 1000. Their work will include activities related to the quelling
of violent armed conflicts, and also to preventing domestic abuse, promoting
peace, justice, democratization, and women's rights. The nominees will be
women who daily invest efforts to bring about a sustainable and just peace.

If you are interested in supporting this campaign, if you would like to make
a nomination or receive further information, please contact:
1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 in Bern, Switzerland at:
telephone +41 31 330 10 85
Rebecca Vermot (rebecca.vermot@1000peacewomen.org) or
Maren Haartje (maren.haartje@1000peacewomen.org)
In the Southeast Asian region, please contact:
Paulynn Sicam in Manila at psicam@cyberdyaryo.com or
Karen Tanada at peace@codewan.com.ph
You may also obtain further information at www.1000peacewomen.org


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