feminismus.czČlánky › Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life 2

Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life 2

6. listopad 2003  |  the CSD Women's Caucus
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 at a special ceremony in Geneva moderated by Elly Pradervand, Executive Director of Women's World Summit Foundation and Ilse Moser, WWSF-Prize Program Coordinator, five women laureates were honored for their contributions to sustainable development, household food security and peace.
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 at a special ceremony in Geneva moderated
by Elly Pradervand, Executive Director of Women's World Summit
Foundation and Ilse Moser, WWSF-Prize Program Coordinator, five women
laureates were honored for their contributions to sustainable
development, household food security and peace.

* Betty Makoni (Zimbabwe) was honored for her work on behalf of
children's rights in the village of hope;

* Marta Benavides (El Salvador) for her work in creating a culture of

* Byatshandaa Jargal (Mongolia) for her efforts to combat malnutrition;

* Theresa Secord Hoffman (USA) for her work to revive native Indian

* the Association of Austrian Mountain Farmers, for their presentation
of a cabaret on rural development.

The 5 Laureates were selected from amongst 33 Prize winners in 2003.


www.feminismus.cz (2003)  |  redesign 2013  |  realizace a webhosting Econnect  |  design Michal Šiml  |  Za finanční podpory Slovak-Czech Women‘s Fund.