feminismus.czČlánky › Reflections on the Role of Gender in the Formation of Expertise

Reflections on the Role of Gender in the Formation of Expertise

29. duben 2005  | Redakce F.cz
The J. William Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic and The U.S. Embassy Office of Public Affairs invite you to a seminar Reflections on the Role of Gender in the Formation of Expertise: Perspectives from the Entrepreneurial and Scientific Spheres. Tuesday, May 17, 2005 16:00 – 18:00 Prague Woodrow Wilson Center.
The J. William Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic and The U.S. Embassy Office of Public Affairs invite you to a seminar Reflections on the Role of Gender in the Formation of Expertise: Perspectives from the Entrepreneurial and Scientific Spheres. Tuesday, May 17, 2005 16:00 – 18:00 Prague Woodrow Wilson Center, Tržiště 13, Praha 1, Malá Strana (two doors down from the US Embassy).

Prof. Joan Winn, Fulbright Scholar in the Czech Republic; Department of Management; University of Denver

Mgr. Alena Křížková
Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Mgr. Marcela Linková
Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, MA
Fulbright-Hays Grantee in the Czech Republic; University of Minnesota

The presentations will be followed by a discussion. The working language of the event is English.

Please RSVP by Thursday, May 12, 2005 to sobolova@fulbright.cz or 222 718 452


Joan Winn is Associate Professor of Management at the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in competitive strategy and human resources management. Dr. Winn has conducted research on business turnarounds, entrepreneurship and strategic positioning, discrimination and harassment, international management and organizational culture. She is considered an expert in case research and has written several case studies on women-owned businesses in the US and in the Czech Republic. Her research and case studies have been published in the Journal of General Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Organization Change Management, International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Case Research Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, Women in Management Review, and several conference proceedings and textbooks.

She has held offices in the Western Casewriters Association, North American Case Research Association and the U.S. Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship and is also member of the Academy of Management, World Association for Case Method Research and Application, International Council for Small Business, Western Academy of Management, and the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. She currently serves on the Editorial Review Boards of the Case Research Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal and also reviews manuscripts for Journal of Management Education, Journal of Business and Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. She spent the 1997-98 academic year in the Czech Republic with travels to Israel, China, Turkey, and South Africa. She is currently a Fulbright Scholar in the Czech Republic, conducting research on women entrepreneurs and economic development.

Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, MA is a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology at the University of Minnesota. Her Fulbright-Hays project deals with the practices of the production of knowledge and expertise on gender in the Czech Republic.

Alena Křížková, Mgr. Received her degree in sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. She is currently working on her PhD thesis in gender sociology studies at the same faculty with the title Life Strategies in Czech Business Sphere. She worked in the department of Social Structure Transformation of the Institute of Sociology, AS CR from 1996 to 1999 and she has become member of Gender & Sociology department in 1999. Since 2002 she is a senior researcher and deputy head of this department. In 2003 she led Public Opinion Poll on the Position of Women on Labour Market project; in 2004 - 2005 she has led the first research project with the aim of mapping the occurrence of harassment and sexual harassment at workplace in CR for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Since 2005 she is in charge of project on Work – Life Balance in the Perspective of Gender Relations, Social and Employer Policies in CR. She is one of the authors of Management genderových vztahů. Postavení žen a mužů v organizaci. Management of Gender Relations. Position of Women and Men in Organisation, (2004, Management Press).
She deals with civic and political participation of women in relation to the Czech Republic accession to EU. She is a coordinator of the Czech team on the project “Constructing Supranational Political Spaces: The European Union, Eastern Enlargement, and Women’s Agency”, funded by NSF USA, and also participated on the project “Enlargement, gender and governance”, funded by EC. In 2003 she edited with Hana Hašková a study Women‘s Civic and Political Participation in the Czech Republic and the Role of European Union Gender Equality and Accession Policies. Sociologické texty 03:9. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. ISBN80-7330-042-7.

Marcela Linková is a junior lecturer at the Institute of Sociology. Her research concentrates on the position of women in science, the construction of scientific knowledge and the study of scientific institutions from a gender perspective and feminist epistemologies. In 2001 she became the co-ordinator of the National Contact Centre - Women and Science at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences CR, and in 2004 a co-ordinator of an FP6-funded project titled Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science.
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