Women 2000
![Women 2000](/img/clanky/helsinki.jpg)
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights vydala zprávu o stavu ženských práv v bývalém Sovìtském svazu a ve støední a východní Evropì.
Název: "Women 2000 - An Investigation into the Status of Women’s Rights in the former Soviet Union and Central and South-Eastern Europe".
Zde je k dispozici ke stažení zpráva Èeské republiky, formát pdf, 151 kB.
Bližší infomace o celém projektu a knize na adrese: http://www.ihf-hr.org/appeals/001109b.htm.
K dispozici též v knihovnì Centra pro Gender Studies.
Women 2000 - a report by the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) entitled "An Investigation into the Status of Women`s Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States".
Learn more about the status of Czech women as well as about the treatment Czech women receive from the state, media, non-profit sector and others. Following issues are addressed in the survey: women`s rights within the constitutional/institutional framework, discrimination, educational opportunities, access to jobs, property rights, political rights, marital rights, reproductive rights, access to healthcare, domestic violence, sexual abuse, prostitution, trafficking in women, sexual orientation, women prisoners` rights, women within ethnic and religious minorities and women and armed conflict/refugees.
You can download the chapter on the Czech Republic here (pdf, 151 kB).More information about the project is available at http://www.ihf-hr.org/appeals/001109b.htm or at the Prague Gender Studies Center.