The census

1. březen 2001
There are many reasons for me not to want to participate in the national census on February 28. Yesterday we received the census forms. And they make interesting reading. Not the least from a pro-feminist point of view... Více

Herstory of the women`s house Ve Smeckach 26 in Prague

18. únor 2001
The House located in Ve Smečkách 26/594, Prague 1 is not just one of the houses nearby the Wenceslav square. The House was built in 1931 by the Building Cooperative of the Ženský klub český (Czech Women`s Club) based on an agreement of March 16, 1928. The project adjusted to needs of the women`s community life was designed free of charge by the Club`s member, a first Czech woman architect Milada Petříková-Pavlíková. The construction was financed from a collections raised among Czech women and a loan at the Úrazová pojišťovna (Accident Insurance Company) which was later repaid from the activities of the Czech Women`s Club. After 1989 Czech women`s organisations have been fighting for getting the house back from the state. Více

S křidélky se dá i létat

14. únor 2001
o reklamním průmyslu... Více
| 1 | .. | 999 | | 1001 | | 1003 | .. | 1012 | (2003)  |  redesign 2013  |  realizace a webhosting Econnect  |  design Michal Šiml  |  Za finanční podpory Slovak-Czech Women‘s Fund.