Muži a krize, muži a genderová rovnost30. zaří 2011
Když zmíním před lidmi, zejména ženami, že „zkoumám muže“, následuje často otázka: „A jsou teda muži v krizi?“ Neskrývají pak překvapení, že zrovna já váhám s odpovědí. Důkazů je přece řada: selhávají jako otcové v rodinách, nestarají se o děti po rozvodu, často ani neplatí alimenty; nedostávají požadavku na sdílení domácích prací, bývají agresivní, násilní. Více
The Young and the Old at the Spanish Labor Market29. zaří 2011
A few months ago, at one of the events organized by Gender Studies, I heard the Spanish professor Juan Díez-Nicolás talk about the current situation of young and elderly people at the Spanish labor market. So much interesting information was presented, reflecting the legislative and cultural specifics of Spain, that I decided to share it with you by means of the below interview. Více
Work/Life Balance in Four European Countries: A Selection of Local Specifics29. zaří 2011
Project partners cooperating in the project entitled “Reconciliation of Private and Family Life in the International Context: Transfer of Know-How and Development of a Thematic Network” have shared with us a description of the possibilities for achieving work/life balance in their countries – Poland, Germany and Slovakia. We have selected the most interesting parts of their analyses which we bring in the article below. And since Gender Studies, o.p.s., a Czech non-profit, is the project implementer, we also add a short passage explaining what are some of the biggest barriers in reconciling work and childcare in the Czech Republic. Více
“Care is something that can ensure the inclusion of all in society,” says Heather Roy from Social Platform29. zaří 2011
Social Platform is a network of European umbrella non-profits active in the social sector. The main working principles of this association are equality, solidarity, non-discrimination, advocacy of and respect for human rights of everyone in Europe with the focus on the EU member states. European Women’s Lobby, AGE Platform Europe, European Network Against Racism and Mental Health Europe are among the Social Platform members. As its main area of interest for the years 2010 and 2011, Social Platform has chosen the topic of care. I interviewed Heather Roy, who is a member of the Social Platform Management Committee, on why Social Platform has decided to concentrate on the issue of care and what activities related to care it has been realizing recently. Více