Vlády nikdo nenutí k podpisu mezinárodních smluv, my jim jejich závazky jenom připomínáme

14. únor 2013
Equality Now je mezinárodní organizace, která si klade za cíl ukončit násilí a diskriminaci žen ve světě. Kanceláře má v New Yorku, Londýně a Nairobi, zastoupeni jsou ale i v Jordánsku. Organizace se zaměřuje převážně na legislativu, snaží se změnit zákony, které jsou diskriminační, nebo zajistit vymahatelnost zákona tam, kde již existuje. V Equality Now jsem strávila tři měsíce na stáži díky Fulbright-Masarykovu stipendiu. O tom, jakým způsobem organizace funguje a čeho všeho (a není toho málo) dosáhla, jsem si povídala s Antonií Krirkland, která vede skupinu „discrimination in law“ – diskriminace v právu. Více

The launch of Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History

7. únor 2013
On 28 January 2013, at a festive ceremony in the Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, the new name of the Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History was revealed. It is Atria. This institute results from the merger of Aletta, Institute for Women’s History and E-Quality, Information Centre for Gender, Family and Diversity Issues. Both institutions have a long history of advocating for gender equality and women’s history. Atria is the institute on gender equality and women’s history and provides a deep understanding of women – in all their diversity – and their history: women from all levels of society, from diverse ethnic backgrounds and with diverse sexual orientations, women working outside the home and those not, women with and without children. Atria identifies opportunities and challenges for equal rights and the empowerment of women. She brings these issues to light through her library and archive, as well as by publishing research, expert opinions and whitepapers and providing trainings for government, business and educational institutions. Více

Odmitnete nasili na zenach, pripojte se k One Billion Rising

29. leden 2013
Kazda treti zena na zemi behem sveho zivota zazije znasilneni ci zmlaceni. Pomozte i Vy tento stav zmenit! One Billion Rising je celosvetove hnuti, ktere pusobi ve 168 zemich sveta od Afghanistanu po Zimbabwe. Tuto iniciativu podporuje pres 13.000 vyznamnych organizaci (napr. Amnesty International USA, International Rescue Committee, NOW), celebrit (Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, Yoko Ono) i vyznamnych osobnosti vcetne Dalajlamy. I Ceska republika se prostrednictvim konkretnich organizaci ke hnuti pripojila. Blizsi informace ziskate na webu One Billion Rising. Jak můžete pomoci Vy? Více

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Against Gen(d)eralizations!

29. leden 2013
IBG is hosting a 8-days training, it will involve 20 participants active in the field of international voluntary work who are interested in encouraging social change.The aims of inter-national youth encounters are often defined as providing young people with the opportunity to get to know to other countries, societies and cultures. This way the participants will be given the chance to learn about the “other”, culturally speaking. Moreover, he/she will reflect on himself/herself in terms of his/her gender role as a key element for identity.Themes: Gender, Cultural Diversity, Identity, Antidiscrimination, Voluntarism. Target groups:  Active and experienced volunteers and youth workers ready to commit themselves to organize activities in their sending organization upon their return. Více
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